Essential Tools for Teaching STEM at the Graduate Level

Fri, Jan 27, 2023 at 9:00AM

Essential Tools for Teaching STEM at the Graduate Level

Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics have a hand in almost every aspect of our everyday lives. As such, graduate-level STEM education is critical for preparing students to succeed in the rapidly evolving landscape of the 21st century.

The tools and STEM materials used to equip students with these necessary skills are also constantly changing. These are just a few innovative solutions designed to address new educational challenges and better prepare graduates to enter the workforce.

Virtual Labs

Virtual labs can be accessed from any location with an internet connection, making it easy for students to conduct experiments and work on assignments at their own pace. They also save money by eliminating the need for expensive lab equipment and materials, making STEM education more affordable for schools and students — especially in underfunded or rural areas that have to make difficult budgetary decisions.

Finally, virtual labs provide a level of immersion that is difficult to replicate without a state-ofthe-art lab and active supervision, allowing students to conduct experiments in a controlled environment with real-time results and no risks to safety.

3D Printers and Scanners

3D printers and scanners provide immersive and interactive learning experiences that are simply not possible via traditional teaching methods. This technology isn’t just used in classrooms; there are numerous real-world applications for it as well, from printing prosthetics and medical equipment to creating structural models as teaching aids.

Hands-on (kinesthetic) learning is also more effective than visual learning for some students. By allowing these students to physically manipulate and create objects, these tools can help simplify complex concepts and develop better problem-solving and critical thinking skills.


STEM kits and other materials help foster creativity and innovation through practical, realworld application of the skills and knowledge they obtain in the classroom. STEM kits allow learners to conduct experiments, create prototypes, and simulate solutions to real-world problems in an interactive way that improves understanding and retention of the material.

Take Advantage of Modern Tools for Success in STEM

These innovative tools encourage learning through experimentation and repeated failure, thereby developing resilience and confidence that will greatly benefit students after graduation.

By creating educational solutions that are more accessible, immersive, and hands-on, graduatelevel educators can better serve the needs of students and their communities while ensuring that they are fully prepared for the challenges and complexities of a career in STEM.

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